Monthly Archives: April 2014

EASTER: Because HE lives


Mummy: O.K. Ife, it’s time to go to bed.

Ife: But mummy (grumbling). I don’t feel like sleeping yet.

Mummy: Well my dear, you need to go to bed early, whether you feel sleepy or not. Besides tomorrow is Sunday and I and daddy need you to wake up early in time for church.

Ife: O.K. mum. Good night

Mummy: Good night Ife.

Ife: Hmmm. Mum?

Mummy: Yes?

Ife: Tomorrow’s Easter Sunday right?

Mummy: Yes it is. Why do you ask?

Ife: I have a question.

Mummy: I hope it’s a ‘real’ question and not just some trick to stay awake longer than you should.

Ife: No mum. It’s a ‘real’ question. Why is Jesus’ resurrection from the dead so important to us Christians?

Mummy: Hmmn…I think I can think of at least three answers to your question. But tell me, what made you come up with such a question?

Ife: Well mum. I don’t know. I’ve just been thinking that, if out of all the people who rose from the dead, we only celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, then it must mean that Jesus’ resurrection was very special. Am I right?

Mummy: Yes of course you are sweetie. You’re right. Jesus’ resurrection was special because of the important things he did by rising from the dead.

Ife: O.K. then. Things like what?

Mummy: Hmmmnn. No. 1 and most importantly, because Jesus rose from the dead just at the time and in the way He said He would (Luke 24:46), His resurrection confirmed that all the other claims He made about being the son of God and being the only way to God were true.

Ife: Hmmnn. I’m still lost mum.

Mummy: Ahhhh. Let me see. O.K. What I mean is, before Jesus was crucified, He said a lot of things about Himself that were very difficult to believe. For example He said He was the son of God…..

Ife:..yah and that almost got Him killed

Mummy: No dear, that was actually one of the main reasons the Jews got Him killed. He also said He was the only way to having a relationship with God the father….

Ife: and He also said He was going to be killed but that He’d rise from the dead three days after His death.

Mummy: yes, He said that too. So you see, Jesus did make a lot of bold claims. But the moment Jesus rose from the dead, thereby fulfilling one of His ‘claims’, He proved that all the other seemingly impossible claims that He had made about Himself were also true. Do you understand now?

Ife: Yes I think I do mum. What you’re saying is that Jesus’ resurrection is the main reason why we can believe His claim of being the son of God.

Mummy: Exactly! But more importantly, Jesus resurrection as was attested to by His empty tomb and the testimonies of those who saw Him after His resurrection, also means that all of God’s word is true. This is the main reason why Christians all around the world celebrate Easter

Ife: That’s cool mum. It’s almost like you’re saying. If Jesus hadn’t risen from the dead, Christianity wouldn’t even exist.

Mummy: (smiling) Oh that’s my darling. You’re right! You do understand what I’m saying. You know, even the Apostle Paul said the same thing you just said “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians 15:14NIV)

Ife: O.K. mum, but so far you’ve only told me one reason why Jesus’ resurrection is significant to the world and not just Christians.You said you could tell me at least three reasons.

Mummy: Oh yes Ife. But it’s past your bedtime now. I’ll tell you the other two reasons I know tomorrow morning.

Ife: Alright mum. But thanks all the same. The first answer you gave me looks like the most important anyway. Good night mum.

Mummy: Good night my love.


P.S…Thanks for reading. But in addition, please feel free to post your own answers to ife’s original question “Why is Jesus’ resurrection so important to Christians?”, in the comment box below. I’m sure his mum would be thankful you helped her out. Lol. Shalom!!

I still call him Daddy!





“I’ve told you time without number that you spend too much time alone in that your room. Don’t you have any friends to visit?”

‘No sir’

“Well, I’m tired of seeing you just sitting around in this house, so just go and sit on the front porch for some time.”

‘Ah ah…, daddy (grumbling) you can’t be serious. You want me to just go and sit outside and be looking at passersby’

‘Yes and I’m very serious. Make sure you count the number of cars that drive by.’

‘Sir?’ (Acting like I didn’t understand a word he’d said)

“I said go outside now!”

‘Yes sir’                                         [P.S…He spoke to me in Igbo and I replied in English. He doesn’t really like that]


And out I went to the front porch to stare at passersby, all the while wondering what kind of a father gave such an obscene order to his own child. Lol

I can imagine that with all my ‘yes sir’ in the incident I mentioned above, you may have already guessed that my dad is a military officer. Yup he is and his military training did have an effect in the way he raised us- I think. As a child, I thought my dad was the worst kind. He gave too many orders; ‘Ifeoma do this’. ‘You all must do this, this way’. You didn’t mention ‘sir’ when you greeted me and on and on. He seemed too particular about ‘minor’ details that I was usually happier when he wasn’t home.

But as I grew older, I began to realize how mistaken I had been about many of my dad’s actions. He was not perfect-oh no he wasn’t! And no one is. But he did much of what he did in raising I and my siblings because he loved us and wanted us to learn certain character traits he thought would be the best for us. Just like in the incident I narrated above, He had noticed I was becoming a recluse and had asked me to go and sit on the front porch (since I had no friends to visit) in a desperate attempt to help me learn how to be a more sociable person. However, it’s doubtful that tactic worked. LOL.

So dear daddy, as you celebrate another year which God almighty has graciously enabled you to see, I say from the depth of my heart;

–          Thank you for being a PresentFather. For although you weren’t always physically present, you made out the time to teach, instruct and discipline us whenever you could- in person and otherwise.

–          Thank you for raising me to take responsibility myself and my for younger ones right from an early age. I believe it to be one of the major reasons I’ve become the leader that I athim

–          Thank you daddy for teaching me to get my clothes and books ready for school the night before and to iron all my clothes days in advance. Though it may seem trivial, I haven’t losty the habit and its made me a more organized young woman

–          Thank you for being so intelligent. You knowledge about many things continues to amaze me.

–          Thank you for your many phone calls. I used to think they were a bother. But now I’m thankful because I know many children wished their parents and especially their fathers would show more interest in them and their personal well being.

Daddy, it my prayer that you’d grow to love God more and serve him more. That you go from strength to strength and live out all your appointed days on the earth, in Jesus name. God bless you daddy. ‘Anya Oji’ loves you. LOL!!!!