MIDE’s DIARY: Day 10 of 30

Thursday 28 May

Here’s the reason why you sometimes feel like there’s never enough time to do all there is to be done.


I’m behind, very behind on my book writing schedule. Yeah, I finally started writing the book. I mean, a book, the very first book I’ve ever authored (the second actually, if you count my Masters dissertation as the first. Lol).

I’ve wanted to write this book for years now, but I keep procrastinating and procrastinating and coming up with excuses why I can’t or shouldn’t.

But I’m tired of letting myself down.


So, I’ve committed to a new writing schedule that’ll help me publish my book on Smashwords on or before August 10, 2015.

God alone knows how many times I’ve made this kind of a decision only to let all manner of distractions to keep from working towards my goal🙈 In fact, right now, there’s a small voice telling me I’ll fail this time like I’ve done all the many times before now.

I spoke back to that voice. I told it to shut up cos only what I and God say concerning my life matters and God’s word says;

I CAN do EVERYTHING through Christ who gives me strength.” {Philp. 4:13 NLT}

Ever heard such a voice? A tiny but incessant voice that keeps telling you you’ll never break free of those harmful habits or that you’ll never succeed in doing that task?

Open your mouth and talk back at it. It’s not enough to talk back in your mind or head. Speak up and declare any promise in God’s word that refutes the lies that voice is speaking to you.

As for procrastination, it’s a negative habit I’m learning to break. I’ve recently learnt quite a few ways of breaking the habit, so I’m currently practicing to see which works best for me.

You should do same and say no to the all the greatest thief of our time- procrastination.

I will make it to my destiny in God, on time, in Jesus name, amen!!!

How about you?



Written by: Ayomide Page


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