NEW CREATION MYSTERIES #16: Things Have Changed!!!


Dear New Creation,

2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP
[17] Therefore if any person is ingrafted in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

Things have changed! You are not the same person. The core of you is reborn. In the image of God it is recreated. In the perfection of divinity you have been forged. You are in Christ, and the old has been obliterated. It’s been rendered extinct. Exciting adventures await you as a new creation. Power of divinity at work in you and through you.

You are the pinnacle of creation. The “New” creation!! Everything Jesus did on the earth was to lead to you. The plan God hatched right from the garden of Eden was fulfilled the moment you became a new creation. This is the greatest miracle ever.

Nothing beats this. The dead have been raised physically but the new creation is the resurrection from the dead of the spiritually dead. Bodies may be healed of disease but the new creation has been healed of sin and all the effects of sin permanently. People can be delivered but the new creation has been delivered and translated to a place of dominion. Nothing has ever existed as glorious as this creation of God and nothing will ever supersede this new creation. This is you I am speaking of!!!

Over the next few weeks I’ll share with in more depth than I have done, about the blessedness of what Christ has made you. We will look into the perfect law of liberty that is the word and see what we are now legally, so that we will partake of it vitally. Don’t miss a post!

Let me leave you with this word. You are not an anomaly. Not a mistake or an after thought. You are the most planned of all of God’s creations. The entire bible details the plan of salvation and the point of the plan is you. That in Christ Jesus god might have a first born from the dead. We that are in Christ are together with him firstborns and the end result of heavens master plan.

Declare it proudly every time you remember it. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and my reality has changed. See you tomorrow.

God Bless You!


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Written by: Adeyemi Adeoluwa

Facebook Page:New Creation Mysteries


Twitter: @ify_ngozikaa

Facebook: Ifeoma Nkem-Gbemudu



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